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Archdiocese of Palermo and All Italy

Chiesa Ortodossa Ucraina
Arcidiocesi di Palermo e di tutta l'Italia




Orthodox Links

Orthodox Net. Good information on Orthodox Christianity.

Orthodox Christian Information Center. Orthodox Christian news and information.

Orthodoxy Today. Commentary on social and moral issues of the day.

Library of Monastic Spirituality. Inspiring readings about Orthodoxy.

Orthodox Ireland. Orthodox parishes in Ireland.

Eastern Orthodox Christianity Today. Ecumenical site presenting current information on Orthodox Christianity.

Early Church Fathers. Teachings of the Fathers of the Church.

Saint James the Just. Information on Orthodoxy generally.

Regina Orthodox Press. Great books dealing with every aspect of Orthodoxy.

Festal Creations. Orthodox and Byzantine art, medals and other religious items.

Byzantine Eastern Sicily. Northeastern Sicily's Orthodox heritage.

Saint Nicodemus. Orthodox bishop of Palermo in the eleventh century.

Religions of Sicily. Historical overview of spirituality in Sicily.

Best of Sicily. Information about Sicily.

Links to sites published in Italian

Ortodossia Cristiana. Sito della rivista sull'ortodossia in Italia, con vari articoli.

Sicily Links

Hotels in Sicily. Hotel reservation site. Useful if you're planning a visit to Sicily.

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